Computer Science Engineering
Established in the year 2008, the focus of our Computer Science and Engineering Department is towards developing the technical expertise of our students to develop new programs or update the existing ones. Our aim is to produce globally competent, efficient computer professionals .
Student Activities
Industrial visits are arranged to enrich the practical knowledge of the students.In-plant training in various industries is mandatory to enhance workmanship.
Value added short-term training courses are given to the students to enhance their technical knowledge in the current trends. Computer Practices-I & II LabData Structures Lab & System Software LabDBMS Lab & Operating System LabObject Oriented Programming Lab UNIX Lab & Network LabGraphics and Multimedia Lab & Case Tools LabSoftware Engineering Lab & Java Programming LabOpen Source Lab & Compiler Design LabInternet Programming Lab & VB, Oracle
We take pride in our highly qualified faculty, state of the art facilities and diverse student population that we foster at our institutions. We describe our instituion as a temple of knowledge, whose sanctity is retained by our students wherever they go. Being a part of our JKKM family is something our students take pleasure in and show appreciation for, all their lives.whose sanctity is retained by our students wherever they go. Being a part of our JKKM family is something our students.
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